
The QCB Educational Initiative

Given the accelerating growth of the Quantum Computing industry, we believe it is critical that undergraduates recieve fundamental educational resources. For this reason, QCB has expanded its educational program beyond the usual material. We now offer a variety of resources from courseware and labs, to articles, coding tutorials, and research opportunities. Read of our difference resources below.



QCB offers either a Decal, an offcial course exclusively for UC Berkeley students, or introductory weekly lessons. This Fall we are excited to once again host our Decal! Register through your CalCentral enrollment. Below you can find the syllabus, as well as course materials, inlcuding slides and labs as they're released.

  • More Coming Soon
  • More Coming Soon
  • Tutorials

    We are developing a handful of coding tutorials from intorductory lessons on Qiskit, to implementations and use cases of Quantum Machine Learning. We hope to release them throughout the next semester. You will find an updated list here.


    We have a track record of studying and summarizing the latest Quantum Computing developments. Here, you'll find a list of articles to read up on for your own research. Newer articles are accompanied by power point presentations that capture the research on which the writing is based.